Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Number Three of My 14 Favorites from 2014

Number Three of My 14 Favorites from 2014

Hi Everyone! 
 Everyone was challenged on YouTube by Nathalie, TheBeautyDiva to come up with their favorite 14 items of 2014.  Most of mine were not makeup since I had just started my channel and had already talked about all my favorite makeup items.  So I decided to come up with a list of items that I used every day or that I would quickly replace if lost or broken. 

Nathalie's channel link:

I thought I would make a daily blog of each item one by one.

#3.  Fake Hair Pieces (Crazy Hair)

The third item making my favorite list for 2014 were my Fake Hair Pieces.  My granddaughter calls them my crazy hair.  I have bought several brands and several colors over the years. I color and highlight my hair so having several in slightly different colors helps me match my hair.  Colored hair fades and I have some that vary from dark to light, some that have more red tones and some with more dark tones. 

These will really make your life easier.  It is so fast and easy to get ready in the mornings when you don’t have to worry about your hair.
I just put my hair up in a high pony tail and bobby pin or clip the hair piece in place. 

Here are some pictures with my hair up this past year.

You can buy these at Sally’s or order online.  I have bought the following brands:

Dancing with the Stars

Ken Paves


Have Fun On This Road of Life!!

God Bless,


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